Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Sometimes my students are pretty clever. Their assignment was to create a picture to represent a word from The Pledge of Allegiance. I took these pictures of some of their work last month. And in honor of recent events I thought I would post them.

Here is the final product on my classroom wall.
The rest are picture representations of "indivisible". My favorite.
"We are a country undivided. We stand together as an unbreakable chain of people."

"One nation, under God, indivisible..."

"Indivisible. Like gum stuck to a shoe."
"I love you Steve." "No, Martha! Don't go!" (Their mice being sucked up by a vacuum if you can't tell.)

I love that they were able to take the word indivisible, define it as a country that is always unbreakable, and create something to represent how we will always stick together.